its that time of year again....well, not quite. i seem to remember kind of recently researching a bit on the different parties and what they had to offer, and going to vote (for the 1st time) for the liberal party prime minister Paul Martin.
and now we're back doing it again! in being inspired by mark and his political blog, and after reading how my age bracket (18-35) is speaking out about politics through blogs, this is why i'm here now!
basically, after hearing stuff on the news, watching a few chunks of the big debate between parties, and reading things here and there in different newspapers, i have finally not been as sure in my liberal vote as before. but that just might be because i feel guilted into not wanting to vote for them.
sadly, i can say that i really don't know much about the "liberal corruption", cuz i didn't really follow politics at that time. but i hear it was big. and there r tons of conservative commercials stating it too. so this is the main reason as to why im torn. i guess its the reason everyone is torn.
somehow though, my gut is telling me to keep it liberal. i don't want to see a conservative government. Mike Harris was conservative and that left a very sour, bitter taste in my mouth. (as a side note, i think we should still have OAC available at highschools. my little bro and countless numbers of other grade 12s had no clue what the hell they wanted to do with themselves and had to stay an extra year anyways!)
and i think that if all this corruption has been brought out into the open, that the liberals will be cleaning up their act and be watched more closely anyways. the cat's outta the bag and they have to redeem themselves.
when it comes down to it, and this may be funny, but one of the ways i kind of think of it is, who would stand up the best to that a**hole President Bush. Jack Layton is too happy-go-lucky and Stephen Harper seems to not really be as quick to the punch. Paul Martin however, is one quick talking SOB and shows an air of confidence, which all leaders should.
through all the controversy and talk and campaigning and commercials, i am sticking with my gutt feeling and voting Liberal.
i suggest that we all give them one more chance.