One Posting a Month?
That sucks!
I'm gonna try harder this time. I'm not sure why i post so little. Well, actually i do, cuz i have a life. Seriously....well....:) I'd like to think so. At work, i'm usually actually working. Now that our office has moved into the depths of Markham and has finally turned into the typical "office space", my computer is no longer situated so that i can do whatever the hell i want on the net with no one being the wiser. Nope, they figured that one out quick, and now everyone's monitors are viewable to any passers by. Soooo, thats why posts from work will be few and far between. Then, usually when i come home, i try to give Jamie a little more computer time, cuz, well, he has NO time on the computer at work, obviously. Hes cooking. And doesn't have a computer. So at least i have some time to surf the net at work. Also, lets face it, when i come home from work, do i really wanna plunk myself down in front of the computer AGAIN? not really. Plus, theres cooking and cleaning to always be done, and the TV calls. Sooooo, with all this being said, I will try to make an effort to post more often, so i'm not writing a ton and its just more or less an update.
So here's the update:
Jamie and i went to the first Raptors home game of the season, and it was AWESOME!! Chris Bosh is the man. With a side of onions. Jamie and i both got Bosh jerseys, and i'm wearing mine now. What a geek.
Also, the weekend before, we went to Anna and Ian's place for Ians joint B-day/Halloween party, and here are some fab pics:

For more pics, go to Annie's blog. That last pic is of Ian and his buddy Butler in their prize winning robot costumes!
Lastly, stay tuned for info about our b-day parties. Jamie's is on the 3rd of December and mine is of course on the 24th, so expect an evite to some event!
Hopefully i post again soon! Tata for now!
love xtina
I'm gonna try harder this time. I'm not sure why i post so little. Well, actually i do, cuz i have a life. Seriously....well....:) I'd like to think so. At work, i'm usually actually working. Now that our office has moved into the depths of Markham and has finally turned into the typical "office space", my computer is no longer situated so that i can do whatever the hell i want on the net with no one being the wiser. Nope, they figured that one out quick, and now everyone's monitors are viewable to any passers by. Soooo, thats why posts from work will be few and far between. Then, usually when i come home, i try to give Jamie a little more computer time, cuz, well, he has NO time on the computer at work, obviously. Hes cooking. And doesn't have a computer. So at least i have some time to surf the net at work. Also, lets face it, when i come home from work, do i really wanna plunk myself down in front of the computer AGAIN? not really. Plus, theres cooking and cleaning to always be done, and the TV calls. Sooooo, with all this being said, I will try to make an effort to post more often, so i'm not writing a ton and its just more or less an update.
So here's the update:
Jamie and i went to the first Raptors home game of the season, and it was AWESOME!! Chris Bosh is the man. With a side of onions. Jamie and i both got Bosh jerseys, and i'm wearing mine now. What a geek.
Also, the weekend before, we went to Anna and Ian's place for Ians joint B-day/Halloween party, and here are some fab pics:

For more pics, go to Annie's blog. That last pic is of Ian and his buddy Butler in their prize winning robot costumes!
Lastly, stay tuned for info about our b-day parties. Jamie's is on the 3rd of December and mine is of course on the 24th, so expect an evite to some event!
Hopefully i post again soon! Tata for now!
love xtina
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