
A few weekends ago, the mister and i, and a few friends went to the fab canadian was huge!! so many damn cars!!! but i had a great time...seriously. I luv how jamie introduces me to all his passions and i end up really enjoying them too....(Raptors/basketball, cars, 24)
I really liked some of the cool concept cars they had. There was one that was like a living room!! it was awesome! and i luved the 2 white lambouginis as well....they were hottttt!! this picture was taken infront of the Dodge Charger (as it clearly states) where we posed quite a few times, with his friends to make for some neato pics that look totally pro!! i luv how it looks like a magazine cover or something. Ain't my hat perfect too?!?!
now he gets to come to the clothing show in the spring with me!! hahaa...uhh...ya...........hmmm....
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