September: Profile of a Missing Month
As i look back over the years of my posting, i notice a trend. A trend of not posting anything in the month of September. No where do i have any recollections of a month that has a sense of newness, other than January of course. Even though i am now not in school, there is still a sense of the new and different in my mind. This will be documented here for the first time.
Date: Friday September 15th, dead centre of the month; payday.
Happenings of the day: work work and more work. im up to my eyeballs in work, even my eyebrows. Specifically i have to open 2 packages from Nicaragua and Paraguay (and they are definitely not light), i have to type up minutes for a conference i went to (will explain more later!) and i have to catch up with other work that i missed from being at the conference!
Goals: Start eating healthy again for goodness sake! I feel like a fat kid who just got back from fat camp, eating all the cake in sight! (the conference didnt help matters either). Also, get motivated to do SOMETHING active like GO TO THE GYM THAT I AM PAYING FOR!!! or to start doing some pilates videos. Save money. Save money. And save money.
Mishaps: Steve Irwin died this month! He was one of my favourite nature loving tv personalities. Crikey. Also, as a mishap i guess...the computer had to be given away...back to Jamie's brother...boooo.....and my ipod broke. :(
Goodhaps: Bought a new computer!! woo!!! its very nice. Also, my ipod got fixed! by moi! and thanx to lizzy and thomas! wooo again!
Busy With: work! As i mentioned before, i have been taking on extra work at work by doing the minutes for a large international child fund conference, which i don't want to bore you with, and i have also been helping organize a big board trip to Paraguay, by sending out visa applications of all participants to the Emabassy which is in Ottawa....whew! this has all kept me quite busy. I have also applied for a higher position....i'm crossing my fingers!
Vacationing: none really, although Jamie and i went to my dad's place on the long weekend, which was a really nice getaway. we really needed some out-of-the-city down time. Although it was crappy weather it was still super nice! we are also going up this saturday night for a euchre tournament (which Jamie is learning how to play!)
Miscellaneous: umm...i can't think of anything miscellaneous that's happened so far this month. oh oh...i really like T.I. I think hes awesome and very cute. i'm not even sure how old he is. He was pretty decent in his film The ATL. and i have to pee. thats all.
I think that suffices for my first ever September posting!!
Tata for now!
Date: Friday September 15th, dead centre of the month; payday.
Happenings of the day: work work and more work. im up to my eyeballs in work, even my eyebrows. Specifically i have to open 2 packages from Nicaragua and Paraguay (and they are definitely not light), i have to type up minutes for a conference i went to (will explain more later!) and i have to catch up with other work that i missed from being at the conference!
Goals: Start eating healthy again for goodness sake! I feel like a fat kid who just got back from fat camp, eating all the cake in sight! (the conference didnt help matters either). Also, get motivated to do SOMETHING active like GO TO THE GYM THAT I AM PAYING FOR!!! or to start doing some pilates videos. Save money. Save money. And save money.
Mishaps: Steve Irwin died this month! He was one of my favourite nature loving tv personalities. Crikey. Also, as a mishap i guess...the computer had to be given away...back to Jamie's brother...boooo.....and my ipod broke. :(
Goodhaps: Bought a new computer!! woo!!! its very nice. Also, my ipod got fixed! by moi! and thanx to lizzy and thomas! wooo again!
Busy With: work! As i mentioned before, i have been taking on extra work at work by doing the minutes for a large international child fund conference, which i don't want to bore you with, and i have also been helping organize a big board trip to Paraguay, by sending out visa applications of all participants to the Emabassy which is in Ottawa....whew! this has all kept me quite busy. I have also applied for a higher position....i'm crossing my fingers!
Vacationing: none really, although Jamie and i went to my dad's place on the long weekend, which was a really nice getaway. we really needed some out-of-the-city down time. Although it was crappy weather it was still super nice! we are also going up this saturday night for a euchre tournament (which Jamie is learning how to play!)
Miscellaneous: umm...i can't think of anything miscellaneous that's happened so far this month. oh oh...i really like T.I. I think hes awesome and very cute. i'm not even sure how old he is. He was pretty decent in his film The ATL. and i have to pee. thats all.
I think that suffices for my first ever September posting!!
Tata for now!
At 5:25 PM,
Annie said…
Hey Willie,
Nice post! Glad you're back on here and blabbing about your life. hehe.
What are you and Jamie doing this Saturday night? One of Ian's friends, Jen (from High school) is coming to visit us (possibly Jorge too). We might just go to a pub or something Sat. night. I was thinking of Andy Poolhall? Its really chill, with a louder atmosphere but nothing crazy or busy. Let us know what you guys have got planned for this Sat. night. Haven't seen u kids in forever!
Ciao for now!
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